Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Havana Township
Page 760

EDWIN B. HARPHAM, physician and druggist, Havana; was born in Philadelphia April 14, 1814, but, when about 5 years old, removed, with his father's family, to what was then Dearborn Co. (now Ohio Co.), Ind.; here he commenced the study of medicine with Dr. William Cruikshank, in 1842, and, in 1842 and 1843, attended the Ohio Medical College, at Cincinnali. After graduating, he practiced one year with Dr. Cruikshank, and, in 1844, removed to Illinois, and located in Havana, where he followed the practice of his profession for more than twenty years. His father, Jonathan Harpham, came to Illinois, and to Mason Co., in 1850, and died in 1852; his wife was Mary Bates, and seven children were born to them, of whom K. B.,is the eldest; James A., lives in Havana; Silas G , near Havana; Mary A., widow of G. W. Squibb, lives near Salem, III.; Levi, on a farm near Havana; Louisa, the wife of W. Hoffner, died at Muscatine, Iowa, in 1861; John lives in Wright Co., Iowa. Dr. H. served as County Superintendent of Schools. He was married, in 1844, to Miss Laura Holliday, who was born in Ohio Co., Ind. They have three children, Oscar H., who is in the hardware trade, in Havana; Lucy E., wife of J. B. Browning, M. D. of Havana, and Corinne, who died in I860.

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer